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Tag: Video
Data Data Everywhere
Using data and evidence to make better decisions is one of our foundational beliefs, yet some of the sports world is just finally catching on.
The May episode of 60 Minutes Sports on Showtime looks at the use of analytics in the NBA. The episode features the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference and shows how data is helping teams make better decisions about players and players make better decisions on the court.
Much like when traditional investment wisdom was turned on its head, the NBA has learned that it’s not always the highest vertical jump, the fastest dribbler or the most slam dunks that indicate the best recruit or combination of players. As their understanding of the data continues to evolve, it helps coaches and owners make more informed decisions for the long run.
You can watch a trailer of “The Revolution of Sports Analytics” report or Showtime subscribers can watch the full episode (Episode 5) OnDemand or via Showtime. More information and links are available here.
Charity Spotlight: Keys 4/4 Kids
I often find inspiration in charities that demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit and make a real difference early on in their lifespan; imagine my pride when I witnessed that first-hand in a charity started by my own nephew, Newell Hill.

I was fortunate to participate in a local event last month hosted by his charity: Keys 4/4 Kids. They are founded on the principle that music inspires kids to believe in themselves, so they set out to promote arts education and mentorship through various efforts that connect kids with music. Newell founded the charity in 2000, working out of his parents’ basement. They’ve since grown to four retail locations where they sell donated pianos to fund their work with kids. In the picture above, you see me with Newell at St. Louis’ renowned Ranken Jordan Pediatric Hospital where children painted a Keys 4/4 Kids piano as part of The Ellen Project.
Nobody Can Predict the Market
Jim Gallagher of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch included both Larry Swedroe and Matt Hall in a recent piece about the 5th anniversary of the market bottom in 2009. Jim offers this advice: “Stay calm and ignore the so-called market gurus. Nobody can predict the market.”
Click here to read the full length article and to see a special video recording of Jim Gallagher and David Nicklaus exploring lessons from 2009.