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Odds On: The Making of an Evidence-Based Investor
Written by Hill Investment Group Co-Founder, Matt Hall
Successful investing often comes down to having a strong philosophy you can stick with. In Odds On, Matt Hall shows how more than fifty years of modern finance have provided insight into how financial markets work. Investors who develop and apply a strong philosophy based on these principles can improve their odds of long-term financial success.
David Booth
Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Dimensional Fund Advisors
Investing can be scary, but it really shouldn't be. Matt Hall tells his personal and professional story in a way that draws readers in and encourages us to ask what we want from our money. Wealth for its own sake is boring, but wisely stewarded, it can do great things. Odds On is about figuring out how to make those great things happen.
Laura Vanderkam
Speaker, Podcast host, and author of What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
This is not a's a gift to every investor who has ever wondered if there is better way!
Carl Richards
New York Times "Sketch Guy" and author of The Behavior Gap
Odds On follows the personal journey that sparked a professional epiphany for investor Matt Hall, and he gives us every reason to change the way we invest our hard-earned money. With this one-part memoir and one-part call to action, Hall pokes holes in the traditional Wall Street model of money management and humanizes the idea of evidence-based investing as a solution.
Julie Macintosh
author of Dethroning the King and award-winning journalist