Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

Welcome, Jack!

Jack Gardner

We are excited to welcome Jack Gardner to the client service team at Hill Investment Group. We initially found Jack through a friend of Matt Hall’s wife (thanks Lisa!). Jack was looking for an internship to complete his studies at the University of Missouri, and while we had already filled our intern openings for the summer, we agreed to meet with Jack as a favor. Jack quickly impressed all of us at the firm with his work ethic, initiative, and desire to learn. It was an easy decision when it came to asking him to stay on full-time.

He is already making an impact in our clients’ lives behind the scenes, and we look forward to introducing you to him next time you are in the office.

And similar to Matt Hall, Jack is a cancer survivor. He had Classic Hodgkin’s Lymphoma when he was 18 years old and is now in full remission.

Please join me in welcoming Jack to the team!

5 Tips for a Winning Financial Planning Session

Have you ever sat in your car in the parking lot after visiting the doctor for your annual physical and said to yourself, “Oh, I forgot to ask the doctor about X…Now it’s too late”?

We’ve all had those moments where more formal preparation would have made our meetings with doctors, lawyers, contractors, etc., more productive and valuable. Meeting with your financial advisor is no different. Preparation before your regular review can help you and the advisor. Here are five basic steps to help you prepare for the next meeting with your Hill client service advisor.

Clear out other distractions before your meeting. You are busy with a personal and professional life.  But your review meeting is important, and you want to resist the urge to “squeeze it in.”  Holding the meeting when all parties are mentally present is critical. Don’t hesitate to change the meeting date if need be.
2 Review the summary and actions from the last time you met with us. This will help jog your memory.  Your meetings should have continuity without that feeling of starting over.
3 Reflect on any changes in your family, priorities, spending, employment, and key milestones/events during the past year and ones that you already know will occur in the future. Your financial plan is unique to you and your family.  Sound advice depends upon a context – your life.  The more Hill knows about your situation, the more tailored and thoughtful the conversation will be.
4 Review the agenda sent before the meeting and suggest additions or mark up with your notes. Your review meeting is for you, and the agenda should reflect your priorities. This will ensure your time is focused on topics that are vital to you and your family.
5 Draft and bring along any questions and topics you’d like to hear more about. Formally writing down questions ensures you don’t leave the meeting with that lingering question or topic.

Years ago, when I taught leadership classes, one of my favorite quotes was from the Tanzanian marathoner Juma Ikangaa, who said, “The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.” Okay, your financial review may not require the same sacrifice as training for a marathon, but taking these five steps can make you feel like your next review is a real win for you and your family.

Movie Time

I invite you to watch an enlightening movie with me if you’re in STL on October 5th! Originally intended as an event for our firm’s clients, we decided that we wanted to share it with others and are saving a select group of seats for friends of our firm. The 88-minute documentary on the characters who changed modern finance for the better will leave you feeling smarter and more connected to the truth of successful investing. An Academy Award-winning documentarian made the film, and it is appropriately titled Tune Out the Noise. Watch the trailer and sign up here if you’d like to enjoy it with us at the spectacular Saint Louis Art Museum Farrell Auditorium.

*If you’re not in St. Louis, let us know if you’d like information on future screenings in additional cities by emailing us here.

More reasons to attend:

  • Co-CEO Dave Butler will be live in attendance for a Q&A following the movie.
  • This is the first film to tackle the academic, business, and practical themes connected to modern investing.
  • Tune Out the Noise has yet to be publicly available.
  • The Art in the film is, in many ways, its own story.
  • The score is composed by the award-winning Paul Leonard-Morgan.
  • During the “back to school” season, this is an excellent way to fulfill your lifelong learning commitment.
Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

Hill Investment Group