Details Are Part of Our Difference
Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s
529 Best Practices
David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor
The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear
Happy Birthday to Us! (Almost)
We love celebrating milestones and 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of Hill Investment Group! When our firm was founded June 6th of 2005 it was based on friendship, vision and passion. Rick Hill and I met every Wednesday night and Saturday morning for a year. We would discuss building the perfect firm, one we called “the island of idealism.” We are grateful you have joined us in taking the long view and are as committed to serving you as ever.
You’ll be seeing a lot of the photo above, as it is the most recent of our growing team. Thanks to photographer Ashley Gieseking for her fine work.
What is the ‘Market’ Really Made of?

It’s certainly not the “Dow” as Allan Sloan so excellently covered in his recent piece. (You can also find the perfect summary by The Week here.) It’s not even the S&P 500—which is just the 500 largest companies in the U.S. Add in nearly all US, International, and Emerging Market stocks, bringing your total in the neighborhood of 12,000 companies, and then you’ll have a feel for what we call global capitalism. That’s also what we at Hill consider to be the true market. The image above shows the percent that each country represents in world market capitalization as of December 31, 2014. Note where some markets might be much smaller that expected. Even the U.S. only represents 52% of the total, whereas most investors we meet come with portfolios that have little other exposure outside of that.
Silver Fox Does a Podcast with Carl Richards
Readers of our newsletter know the name Carl Richards. Carl is known for connecting money and emotion via his column and sketches on the NY Times web site. He has nearly 200 sketches featured on the site here. Carl recently invited Rick Hill to do a podcast with him and we’re excited to share this 4 minute clip of the conversation with you. Click the image to listen.