Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

In Your Cyber-Corner: Who’s Your Trusted Contact Person?

Not long ago, keeping your financial stuff secure meant having a safety deposit box at your local bank. Wow, times have changed. A real or virtual safety deposit box still comes in handy, but it’s only the beginning. Not sure where to start building solid cybersecurity? Welcome to our periodic column, “In Your Cyber-Corner.” As Hill Investment Group’s Chief Operating Officer and resident “sheriff,” I’ll be offering one or two take-homes at a time. Today, I’ll take on the role a Trusted Contact Person (TCP) can play in safeguarding your stuff.

Picture this. You’re celebrating your 25th wedding anniversary on an ocean cruise. Halfway through, your account custodian receives an unusual electronic request from “you,” asking for a substantial cash transfer abroad. Naturally, they would like to confirm whether it’s really you, but they are unable to reach you. They ask us, your advisor, but we can’t confirm your intentions either.

Or here’s another, far less happy, but increasingly common scenario. Unfortunately, your spouse is exhibiting early warning signs of dementia. One day, he contacts your account custodian out of the blue and asks for a cashier’s check on the entire $550,000 balance in his IRA account. Of course it’s his money, but …

What next? Many custodians (including Charles Schwab) allow you to designate TCPs to contact if they suspect you may be subject to financial exploitation, or with questions about your mental or physical well-being. For example, if you’ve named your daughter as a TCP, they can contact her, let her know what has transpired, and seek her input. Spouses also can name one another as TCPs for each other.

Your TCP does NOT have power of attorney (unless you’ve granted that separately). Schwab notes that your TCP “is not authorized to make investment decisions or withdraw funds from your account.” Naming a TCP does enable your custodian to place a temporary hold on suspicious transactions and report the incident to law enforcement agencies.

So go ahead, pack those bags, enjoy your busy life and make the most of your wealth. If you’re interested in more information on designating a TCP, simply email us at service@hillinvestmentgroup, or call us if you’re a Hill Investment Group client and we’ll make it happen.

New Addition to HIG Client Service: Jared Machen

Hill Investment Group Client Service Associate Jared Machen

What leads to exemplary client care? It begins with planning: Defining goals, building processes, documenting procedures. Then there’s the action: Owning all the nitty-gritty details that are every bit as essential as the more showy services. For that, we’re delighted to announce that our team has grown again, with the addition of Jared Machen as our new client service associate.

We knew we’d found a good match when we asked Jared why he was interested in transitioning from the world of active investing (where he’d been a wealth strategist for another firm in Fayetteville, Arkansas) to our evidence-based environment. He’d been reading up on the subject in his free time, and realized it was time for a change – for his own career satisfaction, as well as to contribute more meaningfully to other people’s financial lives.

In addition to several years of financial planning, investment management and client service experience, Jared holds a bachelor’s degree in finance. He also shares our passion for establishing enduring, “long view” relationships with clients.

Jared reports to me (John Reagan). We spent a lot of time looking for just the right person to join the HIG family and continue building on our client experience. Even after the short while he has been with us, I’m already confident we’ve found that fit. I am thrilled to welcome Jared to Hill Investment Group.

Interesting Facts, Found

John Jennings, IFOD Author and President, St. Louis Trust Company

Diversification isn’t just for investing. Discovering interesting perspectives from diverse sources strikes us a wise strategy as well.

John Jennings’ “Interesting Facts of the Day” or IFOD blog is one such source several of us at Hill Investment Group have been enjoying; we think you might too. We’re familiar with John’s firm, the St. Louis Trust Company, because it’s just a few floors up from our St. Louis offices.

John was originally inspired to launch IFOD based on the far-reaching facts he was hunting down to engage his young children (now teenagers). He discovered we grownups enjoyed IFODs as well, such as his recent post on the late Hyman Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis. Minsky (who also has St. Louis connections as a long-time professor of economics at Washington University) proposed that financial stability has a way of sowing the seeds of its own, destabilizing destruction. His theory may go a long way toward explaining why markets can so rapidly swing from boom to bust … which circles us back to our ongoing advice on maintaining a globally diversified portfolio in markets fair and foul.

Interesting stuff. We encourage you to subscribe to IFOD if you’d like to consider just about every subject under the sun (including this one on the sun itself).

Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

Hill Investment Group