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Category: People
Hill Investment on KMOV
Matt Hall appeared on St. Louis’ local CBS affiliate KMOV for an interview.
Rick Hill Honored by Worth Magazine
Worth Magazine’s Top 250 Wealth Managers honors Rick Hill – We are proud to announce that Rick Hill, Managing Principal of our firm, has been included in Worth Magazine’s Top 250 Wealth Managers. The current issue features the selected advisors.
Each year, Worth recognizes an elite group of individuals for their expertise, integrity and dedication to the field of wealth management. The Top 250 list represents months of extensive research and rigorous analysis. Though wealth advisors from throughout the United States vie for inclusion, only a select few are chosen — those who have earned this distinction for their outstanding expertise, insight, trustworthiness and commitment to their clients’ needs.
Hill Investment in the St. Louis Beacon
Hill Investment was interviewed for a recent story in the St. Louis Beacon: “Rocky economy means a bumpy road ahead to A-B and InBev merger”