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Category: People
Getting Smarter — Earning my CFP Designation
November 15, 2013. For most people the day came and went like most Fridays. But that date was circled and starred on my calendar. November 15, 2013 was the first day of the two-day exam to earn the designation of Certified Financial Planner™. After working through the required education courses during the first half of 2013, attending a four day intense review session in Atlanta, GA, and spending over 200 hours during the final few months reviewing the material, I was ready to sit for the 10-hour exam. According to the CFP board, the historic pass rate is approximately 57%. How did I do on the exam? Ask me after December 20th when the results are released by the CFP board.
Matt Hall on Today Show Web Site
Today Show contributor Jacoba Urist asks what are the five questions a financial planner should ask you?
Our own Matt Hall is referenced in this national piece. Click here for the article.
Lucky Number 7 – Hill’s Anniversary
The following is our latest issue of the Enlightened Investor email. Click here.