Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

Category: People

Hill Investment Group Is Hiring More Talent

As we have grown our firm, we haven’t publicized openings. In hindsight, it seems silly not to inform our network. From now on, we’ll let you know when we’re looking to add to our team, and we’re hoping you’ll help us spread the word.

We are currently searching to fill two select positions: an Associate Advisor and a Client Service Associate.

The Associate Advisor position is based in St. Louis. The primary role is to support the leaders of Hillfolio®, and Hill Investment Group in serving clients. This includes assisting with planning, client account maintenance, and preparation for client review meetings. The ideal candidate will eventually participate in client meetings.

The Client Service Associate position is based in St. Louis. The primary role is to provide legendary service in client account setup, maintenance, and billing. The ideal candidate will be the in-house expert in preparing for client meetings, trading, and working with providers.

Who Should Apply?

Curious learners with strong interpersonal skills who take ownership, prioritize personal and professional growth, and have a strong desire to make a positive impact on our clients’ lives.

If you think you know of a candidate we should consider, please have them learn more by emailing us here.

Tune in Soon to “Take the Long View” Podcasts

In addition to what I already was envisioning when we published Odds On three years ago, I was pleasantly surprised in two more ways: New friends and new clients discovered us, and our existing friends and existing clients got to know us even better.

Since the book’s release, we’ve been looking for more ways to share meaningful stories and ideas with others. It struck us: For the commuter, the long-distance runner, the family chef, and anyone else who might prefer to listen instead of read … why not take our Take the Long View® to a podcast?

So, you heard it (or technically, read it) here first:

“Take the Long View with Matt Hall” (TLV with MH) podcasts are set to debut in June!

Expect more public promotion in the months ahead, but we wanted to inform our closest followers first. 

Matt Hall with “TLV with MH” guest Jared Kizer at Shock City Studios

Of course, we’ll talk about investing, but don’t be surprised if we shift into related thoughts about emotions, behavior, and time management. They’re all up for grabs as topics to talk about with our guests – thought leaders who we at Hill Investment Group have learned from or are inspired by in our own journeys. Together, we’ll reframe the way you think about what it means (to you) to live richly. Similar to my goal when writing Odds On, I hope you won’t even notice the “vegetables” of educational insights we’ll bury in our sweet conversations with interesting individuals. 

Are you as pumped as we are about TLV with MH? To prime your pump, here’s a clip from Episode 1 with our good friend and respected psychotherapist Marilyn Wechter, talking about why money matters are such sticky subjects for so many people.


Look for more to come, come June!




Featured entries from our Journal

Details Are Part of Our Difference

Embracing the Evidence at Anheuser-Busch – Mid 1980s

529 Best Practices

David Booth on How to Choose an Advisor

The One Minute Audio Clip You Need to Hear

Hill Investment Group